AMPI photo contest guidelines
2024 photo contest frequently asked questions
Submit your best shots of farm and family life in the beautiful Upper Midwest.
The contest is open to any AMPI member-owner or family members and employees of AMPI farms. Professional photographers are not eligible.
Photos must be submitted on or before Monday, September 16, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. You must own all legal rights to photo entries.
A first-place winner will be chosen for each of the four seasons - winter, spring, summer and fall. The photos will be featured in the 2025 AMPI Calendar. Along with the four winners, additional photos will also be selected and printed in the calendar and distributed to members in late Fall 2024.
You may enter up to three (3) photographs per season.
Photographs must be in digital format. Hard copy print, slide or negative submissions will not be accepted and will not be returned. All digital files must be 1 megabyte (MB) or larger, in .jpeg or .tif format, and 300 dpi or higher. If your file size is 10 MB or larger, please submit by uploading to a cloud-based site such as Dropbox or WeTransfer, and email a link to photos@ampi.com.
Horizontal photos are preferred for the large calendar images.
Email your files to photos@ampi.com
Entries must include your first and last name as you would like it to appear on the calendar if selected. Please include your mailing address.
Name your file with the season/category you would like to enter and your name. (Example: Smith_Fence_Winter.jpg) Submit via email to photos@ampi.com
In the body of your email, please describe what viewers are seeing in the picture and name individual people pictured.
AMPI accepts no responsibility for any lost or misplaced flash drives. Flash drives and/or photo files will not be returned.
You retain ownership and all rights to your photograph; however, by entering the contest, entrants grant AMPI permission, royalty-free, to publish submitted photos on the co-op's website and to reproduce images for outreach and promotional purposes. Any photograph reproduced will include photographer credit as feasible. AMPI will not be required to pay any consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such uses.
The winning photographers will be contacted via email no later than October 31, 2024.
A panel of judges selected by AMPI staff will meet to review and select the top photographs.
No. Due to the large number of submissions, only the winners will be notified. If you do not hear from AMPI by October 31, your photograph has not been selected.
Unfortunately, without this requirement, AMPI cannot consider your photograph as a possible finalist or winner in the contest.