Many families, one purpose
produce good food with a promise
AMPI is a reflection of the 850 farm families who own it. We are hard-working entrepreneurs who are dairy smart, business savvy and proud of our traditional values. We stand behind every policy, program and product associated with our milk marketing cooperative.
View some of the many benefits of AMPI membership below.
Competitive milk pricing
Direct deposit
Milk Market Loss program
Independent testing lab
Daily component and somatic cell testing
Bulk tank cultures, milk pregnancy and additional tests available
Email/text message alerts to members and farm consultants
Online data analysis and graphing
Funded through cooperative earnings
20 percent of allocated earnings paid in cash annually
Remaining earnings applied to equity account
$3.20/cwt. Target Equity
Annual equity payments on that portion which exceeds $3.20
Annual equity payments to inactive members
Read AMPI’s Policy Agenda here
Find out more here
Ready to assist you
Herd Profit Improvement program
RoadMap Program to reduce SCC
Milking system analysis
Milking time evaluation
Milker training
FARM Program certification
Manager’s Message monthly newsletter
Dairymen’s Digest magazine
AMPI website

Central to AMPI is the cooperative's governance structure. A three-level structure encourages member input.
Annual district meetings are an opportunity for members to review cooperative performance and elect representatives. District meetings also mark the beginning of the AMPI resolutions process. Members can submit resolutions that are reviewed by the AMPI Resolutions Committee and, if approved, forwarded to delegates at the AMPI Annual Meeting.
District elected representatives meet during the year at division board meetings to review the cooperative's performance and discuss timely dairy issues. These members are responsible for recommending practices and policies to the AMPI Corporate Board.
The AMPI Corporate Board is responsible for the business affairs of the cooperative. Corporate directors are elected at division meetings in January. They serve a three-year term, which begins at the AMPI Annual Meeting.
Dan Anderson, Holmen, WI
Josh Dickmann, Pierz, MN
Isaac Griebel, New Ulm, MN
Mark Hamlett, Aurora, IA
Dennis Hawkins, Chippewa Falls, WI
Theresa Raak, Jasper, MN
Steve Schalla, Hammond, WI
Steve Schlangen, Albany, MN
Jon Schmidt, Owatonna, MN
Doug Temme, Wayne, NE
Sheryl Meshke, New Ulm, MN
President and CEO
Donald Honadel, Augusta, WI
Tom Hoscheit, Caledonia, MN
Aaron Maassen, Maurice, IA
Darrel Maus, Freeport, MN
Dave Peterson, Boyd, WI

Storied in our heritage and driven by our future
The AMPI Young Cooperator (YC) Program provides up-and-coming leaders in the dairy industry with a better understanding of issues facing farmers and their milk marketing cooperative. The program provides educational opportunities to inform and build leadership skills in the next generation of AMPI dairy farmer-owners.
Must be between the ages of 18 and 45
Must be actively involved on an AMPI-member dairy farm
Co-op Wide
February - AMPI Annual Meeting
March - Central Plains Dairy Expo Networking Event
June/July - YC Summer Tour
September/October - World Dairy Expo Networking Event
One division event per year
Corporate steering committee includes a chairperson, vice chairperson, past chairperson, member-at-large and a secretary (each position can be a single person or a couple).
All corporate board members and spouses attend AMPI's annual meeting.
All members and their families are invited to participate in the annual summer tour to network with fellow YC members and AMPI management, and see fellow members' farms.
Call your local AMPI division office or field representative for membership information. If you have questions about the YC program, contact April VonRuden at 507-354-8295 or vonrudena@ampi.com or Glenn Woychik at woychikg@ampi.com for more information.

February 17-18, 2025 | DoubleTree by Hilton | Bloomington, Minn.