Going above and beyond
AMPI’s Jim Kauffman named 2023 FARM Evaluator of the Year
AMPI’s Jim Kauffman is the nation’s FARM Evaluator of the Year. The award comes as no surprise to those familiar with the high level of integrity and care he brings to his work with the co-op’s dairy farmer-owners in Wisconsin.
Kauffman ensures that FARM standards are met and works to improve animal welfare and milk quality on AMPI farms. The award, presented by the National Dairy FARM Program — Farmers Assuring Responsible Management — recognizes his exceptional skill as an evaluator.
“We are proud to have Jim on AMPI’s FARM evaluator team,” says AMPI Director of Member Services Glenn Woychik. “He continues to go above and beyond and has a sincere desire to help farmers. He is a lifelong learner with a curiosity to ask questions and learn new information.”
Ensuring happy, healthy cows
Each AMPI member is committed to responsible farm practices and upholding the standards of the National Dairy FARM Program. This is demonstrated through participation in a FARM animal care evaluation once every three years.
Customers of the co-op’s products and consumers of the Dinner Bell Creamery brand value animal welfare and management practices that look out for the good of the cows, the environment and the end consumer, said April VonRuden, AMPI FARM program director.
“Cheese processors want those assurances that what they buy comes from content, comfortable cows,” she said.
The triennial evaluation reflects AMPI’s Co-op Crafted® initiative to build recognition and demand for farmer-owned, responsibly produced dairy products made by the co-op. By ensuring high standards of care through FARM evaluations and communicating the meaning behind them, customers recognize the Co-op Crafted mark and associate it with high-quality food and production practices.
Standing out from the rest
Kauffman grew up on a North Dakota dairy farm and has worked in the industry for 30 years. He became an AMPI field representative in 2011 and a certified FARM evaluator in 2014.
“I enjoy the connection with dairy producers,” he said. “We go through the program together.”
In addition to his role with AMPI, Kauffman also holds a part-time job pastoring a local church. According to VonRuden, bridging these two roles are character qualities that set him apart from the rest: emotional intelligence, compassion, leadership and a knack for teaching.
The AMPI evaluator strives to be a mentor to his peers and is passionate about helping farmers reach their full potential. Encouraging the next generation of dairy professionals is vital in Kauffman’s eyes, so he travels to the Wisconsin State FFA Convention each year to distribute sponsored awards to students who have gone above and beyond. He also led the charge to revive the milking parlor at the Rusk County Fair in northern Wisconsin to bring dairy education back to the community. Professionally, he is involved in industry organizations and takes opportunities to build his knowledge.
“He takes it to a whole new level,” VonRuden said. “He does good work and does it with a smile.”
Kauffman visits with AMPI members Kevin and Jacob Henk of Birchwood, Wis. during a FARM Animal Care evaluation.
Recognizing a leader
Each year, the FARM Excellence Awards honor a single evaluator who exhibits exceptional professionalism. There are 400 FARM evaluators in the U.S., and competition for the award is steep.
Kauffman was nominated for his efforts as a top-notch evaluator, but the award reflects the dedication of the entire FARM evaluator team at AMPI, said VonRuden.
“Nominating Jim for this award highlights a combination of great things he has been doing for many years and our FARM program focus at AMPI,” she said. “Our goal with each visit is to serve as a resource and help guide members in meeting and exceeding program expectations.”
Kauffman is a dedicated advocate for the FARM evaluations. He knows farmers have the best intentions when it comes to quality products and animal care, and he uses the FARM program to showcase that to the public. The program is size-neutral, helping farms of all sizes back up their practices with science- and outcome-based insights that help consumers understand the caring relationship and high standards held by dairy producers, he said.
“To win [the FARM Excellence award] is really an honor,” he said. “Each day, my focus is on helping AMPI members display their responsible farming practices so that consumers can have full confidence in where their dairy products come from.”
Passion, care and positivity have guided Kauffman through his career and led him to be an outstanding evaluator.
“When you love what you do and who you work with, the work feels easy,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to work alongside producers every day and help them be their very best.”
{contributing writer Megan Meyer}